

a list

i'm 14 weeks pregnant aka i am starting to feel better aka i don't want to kill everyone all the time...only some of the time.

we moved to boise, idaho

i forgot how bad apartments suck

the people who live above us better watch their backs

we found a house.. and on july 25 it will be my home

i've been eating so much food and i want a personal chef and some zucchini and cheesecake.

i love books

i forgot what personal hygiene is

i miss my family 

god is mad and is burning the forests down...which is making smokeybear pretttty pissed (h8 fires)

i want to sleep all of the days

i don't care what you're wearing or where your lipstick is from, just give me the recipe for that delicious looking food

my attitude has not been exemplary lately, sue me.

i love tyler

i love jack

i love this monster baby inside of me


You're a Grand ole' Canyon...

ALLL ABOOAAAAAARD the grand canyon railway! we went to the gc a couple weekends ago with matt&veronica and it was a blast. here are some pics of the adventure.

29... we got married on the 29th. coincidence? i think not.
we may or may not have made a baby on this train.
just kidding. gross.

it was the perfect day.
clear skies + just the right amount of sunshine & snow left on the ground.

we were super stoked.


I SPY the number 7. cool, eh??

we were ready to get home...

we left at 5 am saturday morning...dropped jack off at my sisters, picked up matt&veronica, and headed out for williams AZ! it was a llooooooonnnggg day.. we got home around 9 that same night. somuchfunandsomanygoodmemoriesicouldcry. not really. the whole no spacing thing kindofbugsme. lolol. anyway, bye.


Catch up

Jack opened up his poopy diaper in his crib. He played in it. And ate it. And smeared it everywhere. And threw it across the room. That was a nightmare.

Jack had issues with his penis. We took him to the doctor and they kept referring to his penis as his 'pee pee' which was kind of annoying. Aren't they the professionals? Anyway, the doctor is looking at it and she says, "hmm.. he must've had a MASSIVE ERECTION last night and that caused his adhesion to break off from his circumcision.." Really??? Did you just pull out the phrase MASSIVE ERECTION after calling his wiener a pee pee? Such a strange day.. it was like he was re-circumcised. Poor kid.

Please, be good to me.


not much has changed....

old pictures that bring a smile to my face. we had so many admirers in high school.



our wedding video... it makes me ridiculously happy.
props to my brother paul, he spent hours doing this and i just love him to pieces.

sometimes when i feel like punching a hole in the wall i watch this video. i watch it when i feel sad, confused, angry, unmotivated, tired, pathetic, happy, reminiscent, lazy, bored, etc. i truly believe it helps me. i can look back and see where i started, see where i came from. it helps me put things in perspective. it helps reassure me again and again over and over and over. it is telling me...

''hey becky. chill out. look how cute you were as a baby. jack looks just like you. you are so blessed to have him. never take that for granted. ohh and look at your awesome husband. he is a stud muffin. he treats you so well... and he still loves you even though he knows you're crazy. look how happy you are. remember when you got married? that was such a special day. remember how you told yourself you'd always remember that day and how happy you were. how nothing would ever bum you out too bad, because you have that memory. you know what it feels like to be complete. to have true love. sure, you can be sad or angry, but move on. cry a little. or a lot. just don't let it consume you. remember what you have.'' sincerely, wedding video

Honestly, how cute are these pictures of us as little ones? ohhh i love this.

community.. season 3

TONIGHT!!!!! wooo... one of the few shows i watch on tv. so much funny.

This is just the trailer that was showed before the first season ever aired. but it is hilarious. i highly suggest you look into it.



with cottage cheese. (on his buns).. you just can't see it. ;) i love my chunky monkey butt.