
carrots have never looked sweeter.

Having a baby is life changing. It is one of those things no one could have prepared me for. A baby is more than a cute tiny perfect person to dress in cute tiny clothes and have a cute perfect nursery for.
Babies poop, pee, vomit, soak, and destroy most things they come in contact with. Ohh, hey mom..I know you've been so excited to dress me up in this cute outfit, but guess what? It is 150 degrees outside and this is totally an unacceptable outfit. Oh? You're going to put me in it anyway? Well, today seems like a good day to clear my bowels and vomit up those nasty prunes you fed me for breakfast. Hey, at least they worked, right? By the way mom, I love you.

Goodness, jack wears the same seven onesies every week and the curtain for his window may or may not be a green Christmas blanket reading 'Ho ho' held into the wall by five (5) thumb tacks. Jack is 8 months now and I still feel like I'm trying to catch up to where I was before he came and made me a happy momma.
Becoming a righteous mother is becoming selfless.
I've never loved anyone more. I can't even describe it.

{ for jack....}
I've never given up so much for anyone else.
I've never felt a pain worse than when I watch you suffer.
You made me cry just by looking at me. Punk.
I've never made such a fool of myself to make someone smile like I do for you. [Please keep in mind, I'm a pretty goofy person to begin with.]
You strengthened my testimony of the gospel.
You made me a better person. And continue to do so every single day.
You're the greatest blessing in my life.

I love jack.
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I have a friend named Annie. She knows me better than most. I love her...and I will soon tell you why.

I received an email from her today. This picture was attached. Naturally, this picture reminded her of me. Ohhh, I miss you. I love my best friend Annie. I love the relationship we have. I love that she knows me so well. I love that she was there for me when I truly felt no one else was. I love that I know we will always be friends even if we don't keep in touch all that often. I love that our friendship is so real and not forced. I love her stubbornness and that she (secretly) loves mine. I love that she is a genius. I love that she is beautiful. I love that she sings like an angel. I love that she is experiencing so much right now. I love how mature she is. I love when she asks me for advice. I love my annypoo.
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mesa is..

an awful place to live.
Full of cacti....and idiots.
'table' in Spanish.
Better than Phoenix.
Home of the best dang citrus.
In Arizona.
Where I fell in love.
My hometown.
Sort of beautiful.

I can't decide if I love it or hate it. Maybe I love it so much that I hate it? Maybe I love to hate it? Who knows. All I know is that I don't know where I'm going to be next year.

Tyler graduates may 2012 and there is a slight chance we may move away. I've lived here 21 years. Never been gone longer than 3 weeks. Pathetic? So what. I'm happy. But...I think it would be good for me to get out of my bubble.

My shell. My little world I've lived in for so long. I need to have new experiences somewhere else. I have such a desire to see new and different things. To meet strangers and have them become my away-from-home family. To see the seasons change. To feel scared I won't make new friends. To call my mom and beg her to come stay with me. To start fresh.

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Cecily got married!

...a few months ago.

Anyway, check out this cute boy that was spotted at the luncheon!
Cecily & Jacob's wedding was beautiful. Cecily looked perfect and Jacob looked beyond happy. It is so nice to have more friends get married. Now, you two just need to leave Flag and come to MESA.

FAM Pictures

These two goofs...

made a cute baby boy.
He is perfect in every way.
We had a lil' photo shoot a couple weeks ago with miss Natalie Wall

I just love how the pictures turned out.

Jack sure does love to play with his tongue.

Yepp...my family is cute.

This picture kiiiiiills me. What a looker.
I love love love my two boys.

Thanks to Natalie, b&b farms, and our good looks for making these pictures wonderful. ;)