Here are some of the photos from the big day. unfortunately, the cd that these photos were burned onto will not be read on this stupid mac. stupid apple. ahem... anyway, i had to get the pictures from Teresa's blog so there are more glorious photos coming soon. props go to the wonderful photographer, Amy Fraughton, who is totally awesome. also, my talented sister, Teresa Haslam, for doing such a stellar job on my hair/make up/ being the! Teresa also came along and snapped some photos. last, but not least, my girl Shawni, who woke with me absurdly early the day before the wedding and helped out a ton. i love your guts
I swear, I'm not into chicks.
My three best friends
This photo is amazing. I love you, Pops.
My Mother > Your Mother
My gorgeous sisters.
All the girls, minus Amber (China really isn't that good of an excuse, hehe jk)
Da Boys.... minus Scott. I'm such a lucky girl.
Possibly my favorite picture. I love my family.
Ok Becky I am now stalking you. Also Jeff is missing from the boy pictures also not just Scott. But besides that oversight, everything looks great on the blog.